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What Death and Vacation Have in Common
We live in a time when we are more distracted than ever. We all know what the distractions are (phone, internet, technology, etc.), so I...
Seeing Green? Let's Talk About Envy.
With St. Patrick's Day right around the corner, the color green is on the brain. Back in the day, the ancient Greeks believed that...
The People Pleasing Paradigm Shift.
Check all that apply: ___You have trouble admiting when your feelings are hurt. ___You over analyze (conversations, situations, tones of...
SOS! Are You in a Funk? Here's a Helpful Hand.
Ever been in a funk? I’m not talking the 70’s disco era kind of funk. I’m talking about the negative attitude, down in the dumps,...
Do You Need to Retreat? How Taking Time Away Can Renew Your Focus.
Retreats come in many shapes in sizes. At its core, the purpose of any retreat is to set aside time and space from our day to day life to...
3 Ways to Find What Fills You Up
What makes your heart beat a little faster? What are the things that put you in flow, a zone where you lose track of time because you are...
Finding Your Creative Genius: 4 Creativity Hacks
I do my best thinking when I’m moving. Maybe it’s the way I’m wired, but moving gets my juices flowing. Not long ago, I was having a...
Letting Go of Your Painful Expectations
Between 22 to 29 I put more than 180,000 miles on my car. Pacific Coast Highway to the Eastern shore of Maryland, and a lot in between....
Finding Your Spark Amidst Pain and Suffering
I see you dear one. I see your pain, I see your striving. I know you feel that you are completely alone in this world, but you are not....
Writing on Mind, Body, & Soul
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