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What Is a
Theoretical Orientation? 

If you're new to the counseling field, in your first practicum, or interviewing for a job fresh out of grad school, it's likely you will be asked, "What's your theoretical orientation?"


If you're like me, you will probably pause and wonder, "what the heck is a 'theoretical orientation', and how do I figure out mine?" In a nutshell, the "theory" part of theoretical orientation provides a framework for understanding how people develop and maintain problems, and how those problems are best treated. The "orientation" part refers to the alignment of your beliefs with a particular theory.


For visual learners, the video below provides a brief overview theoretical orientation that you may find helpful.  

Theoretical Orientation

There are a number of psychology and counseling theories out there. Most often, you will find theories falling under the three umbrellas listed below: behavioral (which has been merged with cognitive), psychoanalytic, and humanistic. For a brief definition, hover over each theory. If you click on the box, you will be directed to more resources on each theory. 


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

 Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy

 Trait-Factor Theory

Thoughts and behaviors influence emotions. Functioning can be improved by targeting & changing unhelpful thoughts and behaviors. 


Traditional Psychoanalysis

Psychodynamic Therapy

Adlerian Therapy

Problem patterns are rooted in early childhood experiences and

 unconscious forces.  Healing occurs through the development of new insights and understandings through therapy.


Person-Centered Therapy

Gestalt Therapy

Solution Focus Brief Therapy

An individual possesses 

strengths, wisdom, & personal responsibility to addresses their own problems. Therapist treats clients with unconditional positive regard and focus on what client wants to address.  

What's the Difference Between a Theory and a Therapy?


One thing that isn't always made clear is the difference between theories and therapeutic modalities (therapies).  Above we explain that a theory is like a guide for conceptualizing a client's problem, the origin of their problem, and how to best treat said probelm.  A therapy is the process you use to treat the actual problem. Your "theoretical orientation" will guide the type of therapy you will use with a client.


For example, if my theoretical orientation is cognitive behavioral, then I believe that a client's problems are caused by their thoughts and behaviors. Therefore, I may employ cognitive behavioral therapy or dialectical behavioral therapy which specifically targets problem thoughts and behaviors. 


Check below for a brief overview and links to training, resources, and certifications for various therapeutic modalities.


Theory vs. Therapy

Therapeutic Modalities

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

Uses acceptance and mindfulness strategies combined with commitment and behavior change strategies to engage and overcome painful thoughts and feelings with the goal of growing in self-compassion.  


Training, Resources, and Certification in ACT


Body-Centered (Somatic) Therapy

Works with how the body processes and stores physical experiences, such as trauma. Explores the linkage between physical experiences and processing of emotions and thoughts. Techniques include: Tai Chi, breath-work, mindfulness, Qi Gong, and more.


Professional Training in Somatic Therapy


Emotionally Focused Therapy

Primarily used with couples, but also used with families and individuals. The goal of EMF is to alter the interactional patterns between partners (or families) and to create new patterns for interacting, while creating a secure bond between partners or family members.


Resources, Training, and Online Courses in EFT


Gestalt Therapy

Gestalt therapy focuses on experiences in the present, and seeks to connect clients with their inner resources. Stresses the importance of letting go of the past. Therapists and clients may use re-enactments and to better get in touch with emotions in the present moment. 


Online Training and CE Credits on Gestalt Therapy



Logo Therapy

Developed by Viktor Frankl following his experience in a Nazi concentration camp, logo therapy stresses that terrible circumstances do not take away a person's ability to choose their attitudes towards the experience or make meaning. 


Online Resources and Training Institutes



Narrative Therapy

Attempts to change the negative and problem-filled stories clients have about their lives to discovering and re-telling the story to include the client's strengths, what the client hopes for, values, and desires.


For Courses, Workshops, and Certification in Narrative Therapy 


Video Overview of Narrative Therapy 


Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy

The predecessor to CBT, REBT focuses on identifying and challenging harmful and irrational thoughts and emotions. 


CE Hours and Certificate Training Programs in REBT



Adlerian Therapy

Emphasizes the subjective experience of the client. Explores family constellation and birth order, the role of perception on behavior, goals and aspirations, purposive or functional behavior, and social interest. 


Training in Adlerian Therapy


Article explaining Adlerian Therapy in depth


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Examines the relationship between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Thoughts and behaviors influence emotions. Functioning can be improved by targeting & changing unhelpful thoughts and behaviors.


Online Resources and Training in CBT


Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

During EMDR therapy the client sequentially confronts 

emotionally difficult material while simultaneously focusing on an outside stimuli, typically lateral eye movements. Thought to result in new learning and elimination of emotional distress by re-processing the traumatic memory and re-pairing it with new and adaptive thoughts or memories. This process also desensitizes the client from the trauma. 


EMDR Training and Certification


Grief Counseling

Aimed at helping individuals cope with the loss of a loved one, or with major life transitions that evoke feelings of grief.


Certification and Resources for Grief Counseling 


Mindfulness-Based CBT

Integrates the principles of CBT with mindfulness techniques such as breath-work, meditation, and yoga to help clients become more aware of their bodies and the present moment. Most often used for treating depression.


CE Credits and Online Certifications in Mindfulness-Based CBT



Play Therapy 

A technique that allows children to work through difficult emotions and issues through play, without having to put words to their difficulties. May include work with puppets, doll houses, stuffed animals, etc.


Education and Training in Play Therapy


Reality Therapy

Reality focuses on the present and avoids discussion of the past. The goal is to improve present relationships and circumstances. Therapy is based on choice theory, or the idea that a person has the ability to choose their behavior.  


Resources, Training, Events, and Certifications in Reality Therapy





Attachment Therapy

Used for children diagnosed with Reactive Attachment Disorder. Focused on building trust and the bond between the child and caregivers.


For adult clients, therapist-client bond acts as a corrective experience for early attachment issues. 


Training and CE resources for Attachment Therapy 


Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

DBT therapy focuses on increasing mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotial regulation, and interpersonal relationship skills. The goal of DBT is to improve a client's self-understanding and ability to self-regulate.  Treatment typically includes indivudal therapy and group skills training. 


DBT Certification


DBT Resources and Worksheets


Existential Therapy

Existential psychotherapy explores  the anxiety and fear of death and loss, personal choice, finding meaning, and reconciling issues of mortality and morality. 


Resources, Training, and  Certification in Existential Therapy




 Hypnotherapy is a form of guided concentration. Typically hypnotherapy is used to create a relaxed state in which a client may be better open  to suggestions (such as smoking cessation) or memory recovery. 



Online Training Tools and Resources for Hypnotherapy


Mindfulness & Meditation

Emphasizes awareness of the present moment, acceptance, and non-judgement.  A practice of mindfulness can be incorporated into daily activities and therapy.


Resource for 32 Mindfulness Trainings, (Online) Courses, Programs, Workshops & Degrees



Positive Psychology

Processes that build on strengths, the development of meaning, and promotion of factors that contribute to optimal functioning and mental health.  


Overview of Positive Psychology Certification and Masters Level Training Programs


Solution-Focused Therapy

focuses on solutions, does not focus on the client's problem. Helps clients to become aware of alternative solutions and take action. Pays attention to client descriptions of how they are trying to solve their problems, the language they use, and core beliefs behing their descriptions.


Research, Training, Certification, Videos and Resources





Behavior Therapy

Works to identify, analyze, and change problem behaviors  through  principles of operant conditioning, classical conditioning and modeling. Includes prolonged exposure therapy, and applied behavior analysis. Interventions include behavioral experiments, role-playing, homework, and self-management training.


Training in Prolonged Exposure Therapy


Training and Certification in Applied Behavior Analysis


Drama Therapy

Utilizes imagination and creativity to assist clients in confronting fears and experiencing their emotions through dramatic play.


Education Information and Credentialing in Drama Therapy



Feminist Therapy

Feminist therapy explores the impact of specific issues such as discrimination,  gender bias, oppression, stereotyping, and other factors, on the mental health of women.


Continuing Education on Feminist Therapy



Interpersonal Psychotherapy

 Focusses on an individual's characteristic patterns of interacting with others.  The goal of therapy is to improve interpersonal patterns of relating to self and others. IPP relies heavily on the interactions between a therapist and client, utilizing the process dimension, transference, and countertransference reactions.  


For Training and Certification on IPP 



Motivational Interviewing 

An approach that helps to move individuals from ambivalence or resistance towards motivation for healthy change. Empowers the client by focusing on their strengths and ability to make change and reach goals. Frequently used in working with substance use disorders. 


MI training events, resources, and certification to become a Motivational Interviewing Network Trainer (MINT) Certified



Psychoanalytic Therapy

Problem patterns are rooted in early childhood experiences and

 unconscious forces.  Healing occurs through the development of new insights and understandings through therapy.


Resources and International Training Locations and Programs


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Therapeutic Modalities & Tranings

For Access to the Free Resource Library: click on Therapist Resource Library and sign in.

Differential Diagnosis

Diagnosis is a controversial topic in the field of mental health. Mental health diagnosis is based on diagnostic criteria outlined in the Diagnostic Statistical Manual 5th Edition (DSM-5). The controversy of diagnosis lies in its inherently deficit-based nature, the assumption of one (Westernized) culture in which "normalcy" is based, the dismissal of psycho-social stressors and influences, ignoring client strengths, and the potential self-fulfilling prophecy that can accompany a diagnosis.  


Criticism aside, diagnosis is an important aspect of clinical practice for a few reasons:

  1. The DSM 5 organizes information and symptoms into categories that can be helpful in determining the best course for treatment. 

  2. Diagnosis can help a client better understand their experience by linking clients to resources and research that provide explanations on the possible course and causes of what they are experiencing.

  3. On a practical level, diagnosis is often required for service reimbursement  (aka getting paid). 


Differential diagnosis essentially refers to "ruling out" other disorders or conditions that might cause a particular set of symptoms. When making a differential diagnosis, consider the following: 

  • Are the symptoms real?

  • Could the symptoms be caused by a substance (medications, drugs / alcohol, toxins)?

  • Could a medical condition be causing symptoms (example- brain tumor)?  

  • What chief psychiatric disorder(s) are involved?

  • Rule out adjustment disorders.

  • Do symptoms cause impaired functioning (social, occupational, educational) OR clinically significant distress? 


Interested in learning more about differential diagnosis? Sign up below for access to our free therapist resource library which includes outlines and worksheets for making diagnoses.  Check out a sample of our worksheets below!
Differential Diagnosis
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Disclaimer: The information shared on this website is intended for educational and marketing purposes. It is not a substitute for seeking help from a licensed mental health or medical professional. If you or someone you know is in need of immediate assistance dial  911. 



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